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LAST CALL for Adrenal Surgery: When and How. Register now!

Foto do escritor: Carlos E Costa AlmeidaCarlos E Costa Almeida

We are in the last month for registration in the “Adrenal Surgery: When and How” ( This out-of-this-world meeting will be held on the 22nd of June 2024, at Hotel Vila Galé Coimbra, in Coimbra, Portugal.

Do not miss the opportunity to listen to the following remarkable speakers:

  • Dr. Lucia Fadiga

    • Endocrinology, CH Leiria, Portugal

  • Dr. Joana Couto

    • Endocrinology, IPO Coimbra, Portugal

  • Prof. Dr. Arnaldo Figueiro

    • Head of Department of Urology, CHUC, Coimbra, Portugal

  • Dr. Carlos Eduardo Costa Almeida

    • Hospital CUF Coimbra, Head & Neck Surgery IPO Coimbra, Portugal;

    • Editor of the book: Posterior Retroperitoneoscopic Adrenalectomy. Indications, Technical Steps and Outcomes. Springer; 2023

  • Prof. Dr. Ozer Makay

    • (Professor of Surgery, Endocrine Surgery, Izmir, Turkiye)

  • Prof. Dr. Martin Walz

    • Professor of Surgery

    • Head of Department of Surgery and Center of Minimally Invasive Surgery, Kliniken Essen-Mitte, Essen, Germany

Come to Coimbra, Portugal, and after the science spend a good time walking around the old town and drinking a cold beer by the Mondego River enjoying the first day of summer 2024.

You have plenty of places to visit. Find some of them below:

Criptoportico de Aeminium. Coimbra, Portugal.
"Criptopórtico de Aeminium" in Coimbra.
  • The University of Coimbra (since 1290) – Find the secrets of one of the oldest universities in the world with 734 yo, created by King D. Dinis I.

  • “Criptopórtico de Aeminium – This well-preserved Roman building inside the Machado de Castro’s Museum (in the old town) reflects the importance of the Aeminium (Roman Coimbra) for the Roman Empire. Walking through its corridors gives you a sense of mysticism and glamour.

  • “Biblioteca Joanina” (library) – Probably the most beautiful library in the world, it is the most spectacular library according to “The Telegraph”. It was built in the 18th century and is a “World Monuments Watch” member. Located in “Paço das Escolas” of the University of Coimbra, this impressive library has walls covered with gold, tables made with such wood that looks like it’s covered with glass, more than 70000 books, and old documents (some from 1800).

  • “Sé Velha de Coimbra” (Old-Cathedral) – Located in the middle of the old town and near the “Criptopórtico de Aeminium”, the Old Cathedral of Coimbra is the only Romanesque cathedral well-preserved in Portugal. Its impressive architecture is the scenery of the traditional opening ceremony – “Serenata Monumental” – of the student's annual festivities, the worldwide known "Queima das Fitas".

Sé Velha (Old Cathedral) in Coimbra, Portugal.
"Sé Velha" (Old Cathedral) of Coimbra.
  • Church of Santa Cruz – Located near the Town Hall, it is the home of the first and second Kings of Portugal, D. Afonso Henriques and D Sancho I, respectively. D. Afonso Henriques was the “Founding King” of Portugal (Treaty of Zamora in 1143).

D. Afonso Henriques tomb in Coimbra, Portugal.
Tomb of King D. Afonso Henriques (Founding King of Portugal) in the Church of Santa Cruz.
  • “Portugal dos Pequenitos” – This theme park on the river's south side was built for children and grown-ups. It has small traditional buildings from the different parts of the country, along with the key monuments of Portugal. You can visit the entire country and old colonies just by walking around.

  • "Fado de Coimbra" (Coimbra’s Fado/Song) - This sad song is traditionally sung and played by students. The Coimbra’s Guitar and the classical guitar are tuned one tone lower, conveying extra sadness to the music. If you have the opportunity, do not miss this experience.

In sum, science and traveling to the “deep” of Portuguese history are good reasons to come to Coimbra and attend the “Adrenal Surgery: When and How”.

Register now:

We are waiting for you…

Organization: Dr. Carlos Eduardo Costa Almeida

Dr. Carlos Eduardo Costa Almeida

General Surgeon

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