Dr. Carlos Eduardo Costa Almeida, supported by the Head and Neck Surgery Department of Portuguese Oncology Institute of Coimbra (IPO Coimbra), will organize on the 22nd of June 2024 the meeting “ADRENAL SURGERY: WHEN AND HOW” which will be held in Coimbra (Portugal).
This scientific and convivial morning will be divided into two parts. In the first one, we intend to address the diagnosis of the adrenal nodule and its surgical indications. To this end, the collaboration of the Endocrinology Department of IPO Coimbra and all its tremendous experience is a valuable contribution. The second part of the meeting will focus on the minimally invasive approaches: laparoscopic transperitoneal adrenalectomy, posterior retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy, and robotic adrenalectomy.
No one can miss this meeting and the opportunity to listen to the lectures of very experienced surgeons. Prof. Dr. Arnaldo Figueiredo (Head of the Department of Urology, CHUC, Coimbra) will show us his impressive experience in adrenal surgery. My friend Prof. Dr. Ozer Makay (Surgery, Izmir, Turkyie) will tell us about robotic adrenal surgery. Finally, we will be rewarded with an impressive lecture by my mentor Prof. Dr. Martin Walz (Professor of Surgery, Head of the Department of Surgery and Center of Minimally Invasive Surgery, Kliniken Essen-Mitte, Essen, Germany) who is the “father” of the posterior retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy and the ultimate example of what is best done in adrenal surgery.
These are enough reasons to attend the meeting "Adrenal Surgery: When and How". Registrations will open soon and will be limited to 100 participants. A dedicated site will be published and announced very soon.
Stay tuned and don't miss this out-of-this-world opportunity.
Dr. Carlos Eduardo Costa Almeida
General Surgeon
#adrenal #retroperitoneoscopic #endocrine #surgery #laparoscopic #conn #pheochromocytoma #cushing #tumor #adrenalectomy #adrenalsurgery #robotic #transperitoneal #posterior_retroperitoneoscopic #endocrinology